Expectations for Events Involving Expressive Activity
As an academic institution, Baylor University is committed to ensuring open dialogue and the robust exchange of ideas and perspectives. We hold this commitment along with an obligation to provide a safe and nurturing educational environment within a caring Christian community. These commitments guide our approach to on-campus expressive activities. The University has both a public demonstration policy as well as an expressive activity procedure that will help to guide decision making by event organizers and the University.
An expressive activity is any form of organized communication or conduct intended to convey ideas, perspectives, or information. This includes, but is not limited to; speeches, demonstrations, rallies, protests, marches, picketing, postering, distributing literature, and symbolic actions such as holding signs or wearing armbands.
The Department of Student Activities values open dialogue and the exchange of ideas in a manner that is consistent with the University’s mission for the purposes of education. Within this context, a recognized student organization may engage in expressive activity as long as the activity maintains the dignity of and is consistent with the mission of the University and does not infringe on the rights of others. Additionally, any recognized student organization planning to engage in expressive activity must adhere to the spirit of these expectations:
- Student organization expressive activity must be registered with the Department of Student Activities through the online Event Registration form within the Connect system a minimum of 5 business days in advance and follow all guidelines as requested by Student Activities in the event approval notice. The Director of Student Activities, or his/her designee, will serve to coordinate university resources, including BUPD and Risk Management, to support the event in accordance with university protocol.
*Please Note: 5 business days is the minimum number of days required to submit an event in Connect.
- Only members of the Baylor University community may organize, lead, or participate in expressive activity on campus; therefore, students, faculty members, and staff are encouraged to have their Baylor University ID card in their possession to verify their ability to participate.
- Activities must not violate local, state, or federal laws, or university policy and activities must not disrupt Baylor University functions or impede access to or use of campus facilities. Similarly, chanting or sustained, repeated noise which substantially interferes with communication during a planned activity is not permitted.
- Participants may not employ amplified sound in their activities in order to avoid significant disruption of university functions.
- Participants are prohibited from using open flames/torches.
- Signage, leaflets, or other distributable or displayable materials will be reviewed prior to expressive activity for approval. Signage should be constructed of soft materials such as cardboard or cloth and should not be attached to rigid sticks or poles.
- A posted disclaimer at all expressive activities must be present to acknowledge the institutions place in the expression of opinions by student organizations.
- The University reserves the right to control time, place, message, and manner of the expressive activity.
- Commercial activity is outside the scope of expressive activity and must adhere to established solicitation policies.
- The Department of Student Activities and/or designated university personnel may intervene as appropriate for violations through expressive activity.
Registered student organizations with questions regarding Expressive Activities can reach out to Student Activities at Student_Activities@baylor.edu.
Revised on 8/28/2024