Learn About Us
The Department of Student Activities encompasses Campus Programs, Greek Life, Student Organizations, Spirit & Traditions, Waco Hall and the Baylor Student Union, otherwise known as the Bill Daniel Student Center. Each component works closely with the other towards a singular goal: to enhance and expand the university experience for Baylor students.
Student Activities subscribes to the philosophy of learning by doing, providing scores of opportunities for students to transform theoretical knowledge into practical, real-life experiences. Whether learning to compromise with a committee member, using math skills to calculate measurements for the Habitat for Humanity house, or finding the leader within to motivate a 30-person crew for an over-the-top Homecoming float, Baylor students often discover their strengths and their passions in the unexpected classroom that is Student Activities.
By diversifying the university experience, the Department of Student Activities hopes to introduce students to a world that is bigger than themselves-to the ideas of community, leadership, stewardship, diversity, education, faith. And then, to show them how these components interweave to create a rich, fulfilling life outside of the individual self.
Student Activities provides a safety net for trial and error, and at the end of the day, for growth. Start a medical ethics discussion group? Sure, why not?! Raise $100,000 for cancer research? Let's go for it! Convince the administration to add color to the literary magazine? It won't hurt to ask! In this process of trying new things, students learn more about themselves, tap into talents they didn't know they had, and discern their calling for life beyond Baylor.
This is the classroom of Student Activities. There are no grades, but you'll be tested every day. You'll make friends you didn't expect, grow more than you anticipated, and remember this time with a smile for the rest of your life.